Urban Heat + Urban Forestry
Accelerator Resource Library
The 2023-24 Urban Heat + Urban Forestry Accelerator included 5 capacity-building modules in the emerging field of Climate Action as Equity-Centered Community Development.
The Accelerator focused on critical knowledge frameworks, assessment and planning tools, implementation resources, and best-in-field practices from national leaders in the field.
The Accelerator is a joint offering of Center for Regenerative Solutions, Urban Sustainability Directors Network, City of Boulder, and the Vanguard Cities Community Tree Initiative.
Resource Library
Each sequence within the Accelerator guides communities through the development of locally customized urban nature-based climate strategies in specific climate risk + nature-based solution pairings.
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Module 1: Urban Heat Management
Dr. Vivek Shandas - CAPA Strategies & Portland State University
Vivek Shandas is a Professor of Climate Adaptation at Portland State University and a senior advisor with CAPA Strategies, a global climate consulting firm. With over two decades of executive experience in the public, university, and private sectors, Dr.Shandas works directly with policy makers and community leaders to safeguard cities and natural resources from the disparate and uneven effects of climate change. Specific areas of expertise include the built environment, land use, urban heat and air quality, stormwater management, social justice, and data science. He has published over 100 scientific journal articles, four books, and frequently keynotes conferences. adaptation strategies.
Dr. Brian Stone - Urban Climate Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology
Brian Stone Jr., Ph.D., is a Professor in the School of City and Regional Planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he teaches in the area of urban environmental planning and design. Stone's program of research is focused on urban-scale drivers of climate change and is supported by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He is the Director of the Urban Climate Lab at Georgia Tech and author of the forthcoming book, Radical Adaptation: Transforming Cities for a Climate-Changed World (Cambridge University Press). Stone holds degrees in environmental management and planning from Duke University and the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Dr. Evan Mallen - Urban Climate Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Evan Mallen is the co-founder of Urban Climate Consulting and the Senior Analyst for Georgia Tech's Urban Climate Lab where he focuses on urban heat island mitigation and public health response with international public, private, and academic collaborators while teaching Urban Environmental Planning & Design.
He is also an ORISE Fellow in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Climate and Health Program. He serves on the Evaluation Team, collaborating with cities and states across the US on improving climate and health adaptations through the Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative. In his work, Evan regularly collaborates with academic, business, and governmental partners training diverse audiences on urban heat risk assessment tools, processes, and co-benefits of climate adaptation strategies.
Module 1 Resources: Urban Heat Management
Download Module 1 Syllabus
Module 1, Session 1 Recording: Introduction to Heat and Health
Instructor Presentations
Brett KenCairn: Introduction to the Urban Nature-Based Climate Solutions Accelerator
Dr. Stone: Natural Climate Solutions Accelerator Series: Urban Heat Risk
Dr. Shandas: (Un)baking Cities: Critical Concepts & Resources in Mitigating Heat with Urban Forestry
Module 1: Session 1 Resources
Understanding Urban Heat: All measurements are not the same
Global Land Surface Temps and Air Temps (2011): A global comparison between station air temperatures and MODIS land surface temperatures reveals the cooling role of forests
US example (2023): Evaluating Differences between Ground-Based and Satellite-Derived Measurements of Urban Heat: The Role of Land Cover Classes in Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C.
Methodology for Advancing Heat Assessments: Towards Systematic Prediction of Urban Heat Islands: Grounding Measurements, Assessing Modeling Techniques
Reasons for Differences in Heat
National Study (2020): The Effects of Historical Housing Policies on Resident Exposure to Intra-Urban Heat: A Study of 108 US Urban Areas
Critical Heat Studies (2019): Making Meaning of Heat for Management in the 21st Century
Implications of Heat on Vulnerability Populations
Los Angeles Case: Heat Death Associations with the built environment, social vulnerability and their interactions with rising temperature
Chicago Case: Interview with Eric Klinenberg, author of Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago
Advancing Heat Mitigation Strategies
Overview: Greenery as a mitigation and adaptation strategy to urban heat
Nature Based Solutions Case Study: Nature-Based Designs to Mitigate Urban Heat: The Efficacy of Green Infrastructure Treatments in Portland, Oregon
Urban Heat Management in Louisville, Kentucky: A Framework for Climate Adaptation Planning
Compound Climate and Infrastructure Events: How Electrical Grid Failure Alters Heat Wave Risk
Policy Nook: Heat Waves as Hurricanes: A Comment
Module 1: Session 2 Resources
Module 1: Session 3 Resources
Module 2: Urban Forestry
Dr. Daniel Burcham - Colorado State University
Dr. Daniel Burcham is an assistant professor of arboriculture and urban forestry at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. In his research, he studies the response and durability of urban trees experiencing environmental loads, especially the wind, and he investigates changes in tree growth and stability associated with various arboricultural practices, such as pruning. He earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Conservation, with an emphasis in forest resources and arboriculture, from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and he earlier obtained a BS in landscape horticulture and MS in public horticulture from the Ohio State University and the University of Delaware, respectively. For nearly 10 years, he managed an arboriculture research program at the Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology, National Parks Board (NParks), Singapore, where he contributed to advancements in the science and practice of tropical arboriculture. Today, he maintains a strong desire to work with practitioners and policymakers to tangibly improve community forests' management for nearby human populations' health and safety. A certified arborist, he enjoys visiting and climbing large trees with other arborists in his free time.
Erica Smith - City of Philadelphia
As the Community Forestry Manager at Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Erica and her team work with residents to bring the benefits of trees to the communities that need them the most, in the ways that support them the best. Erica was the project lead for the Philly Tree Plan, a 10 year strategic plan for the equitable growth and care of Philadelphia’s urban forest, released in February 2023. She is an ISA certified arborist and the recipient of the Arbor Day Foundation's 2018 Trailblazer Award. Erica received a B.S. in biology from Haverford College and an M.S. in environmental horticulture from the University of California, Davis.
Module 2 Resources: Urban Heat Management
Download Module 2 syllabus
Instructor Presentations
Dr. Daniel Burcham: Session 1: Urban Forestry Presentation , Session 2: Urban Forestry Presentation
Erica Smith: Philly Tree Plan
Module 2: Session 1 Resources — Key Concepts and Best Practices in Urban Forestry
Historical urban tree canopy cover change in two post-industrial cities (download pdf)
The tree cover and temperature disparity in US urbanized areas: Quantifying the association with income across 5,723 communities (download pdf)
Ecosystem structure and function along urban-rural gradients: An unexploited opportunity for ecology (download pdf)
Fostering complexity thinking in action research for change in social-ecological systems (download pdf)
Linking urban tree cover change and local history in a post-industrial city (download pdf)
Module 2: Session 2 Resources — Urban Tree Canopy Assessment and Planning Tools
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium National Land Cover Database – Tree Canopy
A versatile, production-oriented approach to high-resolution tree-canopy mapping in urban and suburban landscapes using GEOBIA and data fusion (download pdf)
Assessing the accuracy and potential for improvement of the National Land Cover Database’s tree canopy cover dataset in urban areas of the conterminous United States (download pdf)
Understanding opportunities for urban forest expansion to inform goals: Working toward a virtuous cycle in New York City (download pdf)
United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Imagery Program
Module 2: Session 3 Resources — Managing Urban Forests for Heat Resilience
Spatial configuration and time of day impact the magnitude of urban tree canopy cooling (download pdf)
Effects of urban vegetation on mitigating exposure of vulnerable populations to excessive heat in Cleveland, Ohio (download pdf)
Ecosystem services and urban heat riskscape moderation: Water, green spaces, and social inequality in Phoenix, USA (download pdf)
Small vegetated patches greatly reduce urban surface temperature during a summer heatwave in Adelaide, Australia (download pdf)
Urban heat island-induced increases in evapotranspirative demand (download pdf)
Urban heat island impacts on plant phenology: Intra-urban variability and response to land cover (download pdf)
Scale-dependent interactions between tree canopy cover and impervious surfaces reduce daytime urban heat during summer (download pdf)
Module 3: Equitable Community Engagement
Cate Mingoya - Groundwork USA
Cate Mingoya serves as Groundwork USA’s National Director of Climate Resilience and Land Use. Originally from Queens, New York, Cate earned her B.A. in Biology from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and returned east to teach middle school science at traditional public and charter schools in The Bronx and in Brownsville, Brooklyn. She went on to earn a Master of City Planning from MIT and has served as the Director of Policy and Program Development for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’s Division of Public Housing and Rental Assistance.
In her current role, Cate provides equitable development technical assistance for those looking to transform brownfields into community assets. Cate also leads Groundwork USA’s Climate Safe Neighborhoods, a thirteen-city partnership, to reduce heat and flooding-related risks in neighborhoods with histories of institutional, race-based housing discrimination.
Tennis Lilly - Groundwork USA
Tennis joined Groundwork as Project Manager for the Green Streets initiative. Tennis is responsible for overseeing the Greening the Gateway Cities program with the goal of planting over 2,400 trees in Lawrence. He has been a frequent volunteer with Groundwork over the past 15 years and led hikes and citizen science projects in Den Rock Park. Tennis has worked on many environmental causes since moving to Lawrence and as a member of the Lawrence Environmental Justice Council, was a recipient of the Greenleaf Community Activist Award. He has served on the Lawrence Conservation Commission since 2001. Tennis is a senior fellow with the Environmental Leadership Program and was previously the Executive Director of Lawrence Grassroots Initiative. He earned a BA in Environmental Studies and a Master of Education, both from Lesley University. Tennis has been a resident of Lawrence since 1990 and lives in the Arlington neighborhood with his wife Michelle.
Lawrence Hoffman - Groundwork USA
Lawrence Hoffman is Groundwork USA's Senior Manager of GIS and Data Services. Bringing the power of maps and geospatial insight to Groundwork’s many environmental justice, climate resilience, and equitable brownfield redevelopment initiatives, Lawrence creates data-driven tools that inform and communicate local initiatives while building the capacity of colleagues to communicate data that supports their work. Lawrence was integral to Groundwork USA’s Climate Safe Neighborhoods Initiative where he brought geographic insight and storytelling to 13 Groundwork Trusts. He has a Graduate Certificate in GIS from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, an MA in Geography from the University of Arizona, and a BA in Geography from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
Sarah Calderon - Groundwork Richmond
Sarah is the Workforce Director at Groundwork Richmond, California, and previously held the position of Executive Director at Groundwork Richmond for seven years. She retired from Groundwork Richmond in 2018 and joined the board of directors, serving until March 2022. Sarah has returned to Groundwork Richmond in a limited engagement to launch the new pilot Workforce Development program.
An advocate for youth and communities of color for over 35 years, she has also worked with organizations throughout the SF Bay Area in nonprofit leadership, organizational development, and fund development. Sarah was executive director of the Berkeley Dispute Resolution Service and at Childhood Matters.
Sarah is a skilled mediator and facilitator, certified at Sonoma State University, in conflict resolution. She has served on the boards of the National Association for Community Mediation, and the Center for California Homeowner Association Law.
Sarah loves the outdoors, travel, food, and spending time with her family and her big puppy, Bravo.
Melissa Guevara - Groundwork USA
Melissa Guevara is a Green Team Manager for Groundwork USA, supporting youth with opportunities to work within their natural environment and benefit from green spaces. She believes young people are an untapped community asset who can positively impact both the natural and built environments, while growing their careers in the environmental field. Her work emphasizes the importance of using data, such as maps, transparencies, and geographic information systems (GIS), to present information to increase the accessibility and equity of land reuse and climate adaptation projects. With a background as an urban environmentalist, Melissa helped develop a partnership between the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge and Groundwork Hudson Valley. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental and Urban Studies from Bard College.
Tanner Yess - Groundwork Ohio River Valley
Tanner was raised by scientists, and grew up paddling, biking, and hiking. After earning a degree in ecology, he worked on a fishing vessel in the Bering Sea. His Peace Corps service involved resource management and eco-tourism. During graduate school, Tanner helped form Greater Cincinnati’s Tri-State Trails Coalition. He is a National Park Service Mountains to Main Street Ambassador; SHIFT Emerging Leader; and recipient of the 2018 Murie Center Rising Leader Award. As a co-founder of Groundwork Ohio River Valley, Tanner has led the creation of one of the nation's largest youth green workforce programs and brought Climate Safe Neighborhoods to Cincinnati. Yess’ passion is creating new pathways for diverse youth to access green careers.
Module 3 Resources: Equitable Community Engagement
Download Module 3 syllabus
Instructor Presentations
Groundwork USA: Session 1-The Case for Equitable Community Engagement, Session 2 - The Hows And Whys
Module 3: Session 1 Resources — The Case for Community Engagement: Equity in the Planning Process
Mapping Inequality: https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/redlining/
Tree Equity Score Tool: https://treeequityscore.org/map/#0/0/0
Vibrant Cities Lab Tool Library: https://www.vibrantcitieslab.com/tool-library/
Module 3: Session 2 Resources
Ladder of Citizen Participation: https://organizingengagement.org/models/ladder-of-citizen-participation/
The Spectrum of Community Engagement to Ownership: https://movementstrategy.org/resources/the-spectrum-of-community-engagement-to-ownership/
Module 4: Equity-Centered Workforce + Economic Development
Capri St. Vil - Principal, Kiskeiano Consulting
Over thirty years of experience in Teaching, advising and counseling students and staff at all levels. Exceptional people skills with a strong ability to connect the dots from diverse sources. Proven ability to adapt to new environments and develop new ways of working quickly and efficiently. Dedicated to improving the lives of students by providing quality education and services to students of all ages, cultural backgrounds and socio-economic statuses.
Lisbeth Shepherd - Entrepreneur In Residence, Urban Risk Lab, MIT
Bio forthcoming.
Tanner Yess - Executive Director, Groundwork Ohio River Valley
Tanner was raised by scientists, and grew up paddling, biking, and hiking. After earning a degree in ecology, he worked on a fishing vessel in the Bering Sea. His Peace Corps service involved resource management and eco-tourism. During graduate school, Tanner helped form Greater Cincinnati’s Tri-State Trails Coalition. He is a National Park Service Mountains to Main Street Ambassador; SHIFT Emerging Leader; and recipient of the 2018 Murie Center Rising Leader Award. As a co-founder of Groundwork Ohio River Valley, Tanner has led the creation of one of the nation's largest youth green workforce programs and brought Climate Safe Neighborhoods to Cincinnati. Yess’ passion is creating new pathways for diverse youth to access green careers.
Daniel Lawson - Director of Technical Assistance, PowerCorpsPHL
Diligent and collaborative manager of programs and projects with over 10 years of experience in advancing initiatives, building relationships, and capturing resources. Dedicated to serving communities through connecting diverse groups, empowering young people, and using data and results to identify action and celebrate success.
Marisa Repka, Co-Founder & CFO - Cambium Carbon
Marisa leads Cambium Carbon's environmental analysis and impact work. Her past experience in city government and conservation finance have helped her support Cambium Carbon's network of city and NGO partners, and conduct feasibility studies for large-scale urban wood utilization. She holds a Master's degree in Environmental Management with a specialization in Business from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
Tonya Gayle, Executive Director - Green City Force
Tonya Gayle is Executive Director of Green City Force (GCF). Prior to this, she led GCF’s development team from July 2014 to September 2020. She is a board member of The Corps Network focused on national service, and Environmental Advocates of NY focused on environmental justice. Prior to joining GCF, Tonya served in public-private partnerships at the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and the Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Career Program. She has spent most of her career in nonprofit organizations focused on economic justice for young people of color. Tonya is a member of The New York Women’s Foundation Circle of Sisters for Social Change, a graduate of Wesleyan University, and a native Brooklynite. She is an associate producer of the 2006 documentary The Perfect Life featuring young adults from Harlem. Tonya is passionate about providing young people with viable paths to create and lead a just and equitable world.
Julia Hilengas - Co-Founder + Executive Director, PowerCorpsPHL
Since co-founding PowerCorpsPHL in 2013, Julia leads the development of PowerCorpsPHL’s strategy, partnerships, and expansion. She continues to refine the model, expand its impact to cities nationwide, and work as a bridge-builder between young people and economic opportunities.
Prior to PowerCorpsPHL, Julia served as the Deputy Service Officer for Mayor Michael Nutter’s Office of Civic Engagement & Volunteer Service. As a staffer and a SERVE Philadelphia AmeriCorps VISTA within the Mayor’s Office of Education, Julia coordinated and grew an initiative to engage parents and families as partners in their children’s education. With extensive experience as an educator, coach, community organizer, and public sector leader, Julia has demonstrable experience in making an impact across sectors in start-up environments, understanding how young people learn, and designing for impact.
Julia was a White House Champion of Change and in the inaugural, global cohort of University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Social Impact Strategy’s Executive Program.
Ryan McNeill, Workforce Development Manager - Philadelphia Water Department
Ryan McNeill has worked in PWD’s Human Resources Division since 2016, first as a member of its Training Unit, and since 2020, as its Workforce Development Manager. The Workforce Development unit is responsible for establishing talent pipelines for the Department through recruitment, internship, and apprenticeship programming. The Apprenticeship Program’s mission is to prepare individuals for family sustaining, upwardly mobile careers at PWD.
Module 4 Resources: Equity-Centered Workforce + Economic Development
Download Module 4 syllabus
Instructor Presentations
PowerCorpsPHL: Session 1 - Introduction to Equity-centered Workforce and Economic Development
Green City Force: Session 2 - Equity-centered Workforce Development
Cambium Carbon: Session 2 - Workforce Development & Wood Reuse
Philadelphia Water Department: Session 2 - Apprenticeship Programming
Module 4: Session 1 Resources — Introduction to Equity-Centered Workforce + Economic Development
The Relationship of Historical Redlining with Present-Day Neighborhood Environmental and Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review and Conceptual Model. Carolyn B. Swope, Diana Hernández, and Lara J. Cushing. December 2022.
Department of Commerce and Department of Labor Good Jobs Principles.
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Workforce Development. National Fund for Workforce Solutions.
Fostering Resilience. Kenneth Ginsburg, MD, MS Ed.
Building Back Better and Advancing Equity with Green Jobs. CLASP. November 2021.
Module 4: Session 2 Resources — Case studies in creating equity-centered economic opportunities
Making Water a Career of Choice: A Compendium of Water Workforce Case Studies from Across the Country. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. January 2021, updated September 2022.
Unpacking the Work of Work-based Learning. Ranita Jain & Vivian Vázquez, The Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program. February 2021.
Service Years as a Strategy to Develop Talent Pipelines. Service Year Alliance. January 2020.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Workforce Programs (Executive Summary). Third Way. July 2014.
Module 4: Session 3 Resources — Mapping opportunities for local implementation
SWOT Analysis. Community Tool Box. Chapter 3, Section 14.
Landscape Assessment. Quality Planning.
Asset-Based Community Development Toolkit. Asset-Based Community Development
Engaging Diverse Communities for the Long-Term. Groundwork USA & National Park
FDN. Feb. 2021.
Module 5: Essential Policy Frameworks to Support Urban Forestry as Climate Action
Alana Tucker, Arbor Day Foundation
Alana Tucker is the Program Manager for the Tree City programs at the Arbor Day Foundation, including Tree City USA and Tree Cities of the World. As an urban planner, she conducted streetscape and parks planning projects in Detroit prior to coming to the Foundation. She holds a Bachelor’s in International Business from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Master’s of Urban Planning from the University of Michigan.
Zach Wirtz, Morton Arboretum
Bio forthcoming.
Dr. Evan Mallen is the co-founder of Urban Climate Consulting and the Senior Analyst for Georgia Tech's Urban Climate Lab where he focuses on urban heat island mitigation and public health response with international public, private, and academic collaborators while teaching Urban Environmental Planning & Design. He is also an ORISE Fellow in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Climate and Health Program. He serves on the Evaluation Team, collaborating with cities and states across the US on improving climate and health adaptations through the Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative. In his work, Evan regularly collaborates with academic, business, and governmental partners training diverse audiences on urban heat risk assessment tools, processes, and co-benefits of climate adaptation strategies.
Sara Meerow, Associate Professor - Arizona State University
Sara Meerow is an associate professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. She is an interdisciplinary social-ecological systems scientist working at the intersection of urban geography and planning. Her research tackles the challenge of how to make cities more resilient in the face of climate change and other social and environmental hazards. She combines more conceptual studies of urban resilience with empirical research on the complexities of green infrastructure and climate change adaptation planning in a range of cities including Manila, New York, Los Angeles, and Detroit. Meerow emphasizes problem-driven, collaborative research that combines qualitative and quantitative methods with spatial analysis. She earned her PhD in 2017 from the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment (now the School for Environment and Sustainability). She also has a master’s in international development studies from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Earl Eutsler, Assistant Director/State Forester - District of Columbia
Bio forthcoming.
Karen Firehock, Executive Director - Green Infrastructure Center
Karen co-founded the center in 2006. She oversees green infrastructure planning and research projects. She is an environmental planner with more than thirty years of experience in planning and natural resources management. She is also an adjunct lecturer in green infrastructure planning and environmental ordinance development at the University of Virginia (UVA)’s School of Architecture in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning. Prior to her current position, Ms. Firehock was a Senior Associate at the UVA Institute for Environmental Negotiation for seven years and served as coordinator for community watershed and land use plans for localities. She also coordinated the national Community-Based Collaboratives Research Consortium, and conducted public outreach for the USDA Forest Service’s Roundtable on Sustainable Forests.
Sumedha Rao, Executive Director - City of Louisville Office of Sustainability
Sumedha Rao is the Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. She is committed to catalyzing robust, inclusive, and collaborative solutions for a greener Louisville! Sumedha has a background in urban sustainability, environmental policy, and green building in the United States and India. In 2022, Sumedha was named a Future Leader by the Aspen Institute, among 100 climate leaders in North America under the age of 30. Sumedha holds a master’s degree in Sustainability Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from St. Joseph’s College in India, and a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED AP, accreditation.
Module 5 Resources: Essential Policy Frameworks to Support Urban Forestry as Climate Action
Download Module 5 Syllabus
Instructor Presentations
Session 1
Zach Wirtz, Chicago Region Trees Initiative: Tree Protection Ordinances
Karen Firehock, Green Infrastructure Center: Going Above and Beyond on Urban Forestry Policy
Sara Meerow, Arizona State University: Urban Heat, Policy, & Planning
Session 2
Earl Eutsler, District of Columbia State Forester: Tree Canopy Preservation In Washington, DC
Patti Bakker, Seattle Urban Forestry Policy Advisor : Seattle Urban Forestry Policy Updates
Module 5: Session 1 Resources — The Elements of Effective Policy and Planning
Making Your Community Forest-Friendly: A Worksheet for Review of Municipal Codes and
Ordinances (by the Center for Watershed Protection)
Planner’s Forest Toolkit: A guide for South Carolina’s Towns, Cities and Counties (by the Green
Infrastructure Center)
Module 5: Session 2 Resources — Workshopping Your City’s Plan for Updating Policy and Plans