Healing Our Environment and Our Communities: John Liu Talks Ecosystem Restoration at the Boulder Forum
John Liu planted a seed that blossomed into a movement. The documentary filmmaker, environmental educator and father of the Ecosystems Restoration Camps movement joined us for the fourth Boulder Forum on Economy, Climate and Community panel.
The Soil Carbon Sponge, Climate Solutions and Healthy Water Cycles
Presentation at Harvard University’s Biodiversity for a Livable Climate | April 2018.
Regenerate Earth: The practical drawdown of 20 billion tonnes of carbon back into soils annually, to rehydrate bio-systems and safely cool climates
There is only one process via which we can secure our safe climate and future. This is pedogenesis: the microbial bio-conversion of plant exudates and detritus into stable soil carbon. Our future is governed by how well we manage to regenerate the Earth’s soil carbon sponge.
Ecosystem management and land conservation can substantially contribute to California’s climate mitigation goals
Modeling efforts focused on future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy and other sectors in California have shown varying capacities to meet the emissions reduction targets established by the state.