Urban Forestry Resources
Critical Life Sustaining Systems
For many people, urban forests are the most powerful living systems that they are directly influenced by every day. From the relief provided by a tree’s shade in our increasingly extreme heatwaves to the (largely unrecognized) buffering trees provide during extreme weather events such as floods, urban trees are constantly, quietly providing our communities with critical life-support services. These living systems are also enormously vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Below you will find links to both active and emergent urban forestry initiatives. These include both an overview of the growing national campaign to dramatically expand the scale of urban forestry efforts—both a community recovery and climate resilience action—and a specific case study of a regional urban forestry expansion initiative in the Denver Metro/Northern Colorado Front Range area. This case study includes an extensive description of an approach that focuses urban forestry benefits and workforce opportunities towards the most vulnerable and historically underserved people in our communities.
There are also resources here that chronicle the rapidly developing efforts around creating a market for ecosystems restoration and regeneration. This includes a unique Request for Proposals to purchase the first 40,000 metric tons of urban forest captured carbon; a proposal just submitted to capture 6,000 additional tons of atmospheric carbon into a northern Boulder County agroforestry project; and links to an exciting and important new framework for establishing transparent high standards for carbon offsetting—The Oxford Principles For Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting.
More resources will be added to this page as we have them.